Spiritual leadershipConnecting the Rational with the Intuitive
I work 1:1 with leaders (anyone who is following or seeking to follow his or her own purpose) on Spiritual Leadership, i.e. using energy healing and complementary alternative practices that support us on our journey of life and learning and embodied leadership.
The Mindful Business Leader course is an inspirational program that will allow you to vet your leadership decisions against the sound principles of ethical reasoning, mindful thinking and being an agent of change for good. You will learn that mindfulness-based decisions can reconcile the pressure to perform and deliver with your inner-yearning to work for a better humanity. Make better decisions and sleep soundly, every night. WHO NEEDS THIS
"As smart, capable people, we have a RESPONSIBILITY to use our talents for good." |
- Understand your PURPOSE, unique gifts and talents and how you can fully express them in the world.
- A DECISION MAKING FRAMEWORK connecting you to your “wiser self”, cultivating lifelong inner knowing and a place of refuge during any challenge.
- Evaluate your METRICS FOR SUCCESS, where they came from, should they still apply and redefine them to live your purpose.
Designed for leaders and taught as practical "nuggets" to use and revisit between meetings, Zoom calls, at their desk or to transition from the work day to home life.

For nearly 20 years I have built a career in leadership spanning the management consulting, hospitality and personal development industries. I am an MIT Sloan MBA grad, graduated magna cum laude as an engineer from the University of Pennsylvania.
I realized back that I achieved success wherever I placed my focus. So if I can do anything, then what is my "highest and best use"?
I CHOOSE to focus my energy on connecting high performing individuals to their "wiser selves", and enabling you to be a mindful business leader– connecting to your purpose and serving the needs of our community and planet, not just profit.
My Bio + Connect with me
For nearly 20 years I have built a career in leadership spanning the management consulting, hospitality and personal development industries. I am an MIT Sloan MBA grad, graduated magna cum laude as an engineer from the University of Pennsylvania.
I realized back that I achieved success wherever I placed my focus. So if I can do anything, then what is my "highest and best use"?
I CHOOSE to focus my energy on connecting high performing individuals to their "wiser selves", and enabling you to be a mindful business leader– connecting to your purpose and serving the needs of our community and planet, not just profit.
My Bio + Connect with me
"Following along with Rimi and her Mindful Leadership course was an excellent transition for me as I went from a solopreneur back to a fast tech startup. The program ensures you take time to grow and reflect on your leadership at home and at work. It causes you to ask how am I am leading today so that you allow others to grow with you. Highly recommend." - JoAnn, Marketing Director, Canada
"I really appreciate Rimi’s calming presence and desire to do good in this world. I think her story and technique can help build and sustain a movement of mindful business leaders." - Nicole, Executive Director of alternative energy company, US |
"As a leader, this course encourage my growth and understanding on a deeper level. I found that connecting with my "why" and using mindfulness to guide practice and program development led to stronger programs and deeper relationships with the personnel I supervise. I would highly recommend this course for anyone wanting to have a deeper understanding of true leadership and harnessing your strengths to improve your leadership skills." - Sheri, Founder of consulting business, US |
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